1. Definitions

In the schema conversion rules we use the following definitions:

  • application schema:  package with stereotype «applicationSchema»

  • schema: package with tagged value targetNamespace

  • feature type: classifier with the stereotype «featureType»

  • class: classifier with no stereotype or the stereotype «type»; while classifiers with a stereotype «type» are on a different conceptual level than application schemas and it is assumed that these are implicitly realized one-to-one as plain classes

  • data type: classifier with stereotype «dataType»

  • union type: classifier with stereotype «union»

  • code list: classifier with stereotype «codeList»

  • enumeration: classifier with stereotype «enumeration»

More information about the stereotypes and the associated tagged values is available in the description of the UML profile supported by ShapeChange.

2. Description of Conversion Rules

Each rule has an identifier that follows the pattern "rule-<target>-<element>-<descriptor>" with the following parts:

  • <target>: the target to which the rule applies, the rules listed for the XML Schema target all use "xsd"

  • <element>: the type of model element to which the rule applies; possible values are "all" (all model elements), "pkg" (packages), "cls" (classifiers), "prop" (attributes and association roles) and "rel" (associations)

  • <descriptor>: a mnemonic descriptor of the rule

In each section we first provide an overview table and then describe each conversion rule with an example and, if necessary, additional remarks.

3. Common Conversion Rules

3.1. Overview

The following is a list of schema conversion rules that apply to all XML Schema encodings. These are built-in and do not have to be included in a configuration.

Rule Description


Create local property elements for properties in feature types, classes, data types and union types


Create global object elements for feature types, classes, data types and union types


Create global types for the content model of feature types, classes, data types and union types


Create global property types for feature types, classes, data types and union types


Properties of feature types, classes and data types are converted to local property elements in a sequence block


Properties of union types are converted to local property elements in a choice block


Treat classes of unknown characteristics as object classes


For packages contained directly or indirectly in an application schema and which are converted to a separate XML Schema Document, add imports and includes


For dependencies from an application schema to another schema, add imports

3.2. rule-xsd-cls-local-properties

Create local property elements for properties in feature types, classes, data types and union types.

3.3. rule-xsd-cls-object-element

Create global object elements for feature types, classes, data types and union types.

3.4. rule-xsd-cls-type

Create global types for the content model of feature types, classes, data types and union types.

3.5. rule-xsd-cls-property-type

Create global property types for feature types, classes, data types and union types.

3.6. rule-xsd-cls-sequence

Properties of feature types, classes and data types are converted to local property elements in a sequence block.

3.7. rule-xsd-cls-union-as-choice

Properties of union types are converted to local property elements in a choice block.

3.8. rule-xsd-cls-unknown-as-object

Treat classes of unknown characteristics as object classes.

3.9. rule-xsd-pkg-contained-packages

For packages contained directly or indirectly in an application schema and which are converted to a separate XML Schema Document, add imports and includes.

3.10. rule-xsd-pkg-dependencies

For dependencies from an application schema to another schema, add imports.